My Drawing of Miss Molly Cranston, Ladies maid

Miss Molly Cranston stood firm on the train platform. She kept her watchful eye upon her lady's cases. One could never trust conductors with fine luggage.

Miss Cranston, or Cranston to her Lady, was a stern ship in the sea of travel. She'd followed her lady, the beauty Lady Sybil, from relative to relative with the seasons. Now, however, her Lady had come "into her own" as she had told cook, sternly, when she heard the lower staff discussing the windfall of Lady Soft-Pelt.

"You shouldn't discuss money nor things you don't understand", she'd had words with the kitchen staff.

Cranston didn't suffer fools, and she didn't take gossip below stairs, nor sass from sloppy Porters,

"You there, boy," cried Cranston in her stern tone, getting the attention of a porter. His cap was not set as straight as she'd have liked, "What are you on about? Get my lady's things."

Yes, things were about to change for the better. No longer was her Lady to be sat lower at table, given spare rooms a bit too close to the upper floors in wealthier cousins homes; Now She was to be her own Mistress.

Miss Molly Cranston, Lady's maid, was very proud of her Lady.

The piece without color.

Well, after making Lady Soft-Pelt in My Last Post, I had to create her darling Cranston, Lady's maid.

Here you can see Lady Soft-Pelt:

I really do love creating the storylines for my characters when in my studio day dreaming away as I sketch. These little creatures came to light at the beginning of the year and they've stuck with me.

Some of the layers of this piece in GIF form.

Even tho I've been SO busy this Summer, not getting as much time in my studio as I'd like, they've stayed with me. Their little storylines swirling about my head as I chatted with family, or tidied up my little cottage for guests.

It's why I'm looking forward to Autumn to get back into the studio and really delve into this world.

I hope you are enjoying them with me as I create them.

I've always been a creature of Autumn and Winter and as we leave Summer behind I'm excited to set up a new studio space and get back into the swing of the "off season".

I hope all of you have a lovely day and find a moment to indulge in your own passions.

I’ve made a video of this on my Youtube channel if you’d like to watch it:


A New Drawing in my Animal Character Series: Enoch Acorn Proud Train Porter


A new painting in my Animal Series: Lady Sybil Soft-Pelt